Unique services
One of the exciting new features of JRL is the teens library, which is created for teens and run by teens. A management committee of 12 teenagers had worked with the NLB teen advisory committee to design and conceptualise the new "Verging All Teens" (VAT) library. With a collection catered to teens' needs, cool music, décor, stage performances, and even a graffiti wall, teens are given a space all to themselves to be inspired and explore new opportunities. In addition, teen volunteers selected by the teens management committee will run VAT.
JRL is the first library in Singapore with a 24-hour self-service lobby. It consists of self-help kiosks in an auto-library styled area built just outside the library. It provides users with membership registration, multimedia prepayment, borrowers' enquiry and payment and bookdrop services.
Other services
JRL offers a full-fledged reference service with an in-depth reference collection. Reference services such as microfilm, reprographic, document delivery, inter-library loan, reservation of repository used reference are available to users.
JRL has a children's advisory and information service that offers advice to parents, educators and caregivers on the selection of suitable materials for children. The advisory service operates on Mon-Fri: 2-5 pm, 6-8 pm and Sat-Sun: 2-7 pm. There is also a special children's resource centre catering to children's school project needs.
With the closure of National Reference Library (NRL) at Stamford Road in March 2004, the bulk of its reference collection was moved to JRL for a temporary duration prior to the opening of the new National Library in 2005.
JRL provides multi-operator roaming wireless broadband access to users, in a service provided by PC Connect Pte. Ltd., to cater to their internet surfing needs. Laptop users can access the internet in all areas of the library using their own respective internet accounts.